Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

Saints Nation: ESPN Tabs Saints as "5th Best Team in the NFL"

As if the LeBron James information overload in recent days combined with their Brett Favre history wasn't unbearable enough, ESPN is back to hating on the Saints. Watching passively yesterday I saw them mention that the Saints were currently the 5th best team in the NFL. I guess the loss of Charles Grant really changed things for our franchise? I didn't even bother to see what teams they listed ahead of us, but I can only imagine the team we just beat in the Super Bowl, as well as the Jets, Chargers, and Vikings are likely candidates. I don't even know why I let this kind of thing get to me anymore, it's just so predictable. I guess winning the Super Bowl 5 months ago means little to those guys. That's fine, their "rankings" has zero bearing on what happens on the field. I can't wait till that first game against the Vikings.

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